adorable Siberian huskys - Melbourne, Australia - Free Advertising

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Post# A132908

adorable Siberian huskys (Melbourne )

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We have available for reserve a litter of adorable Siberian huskys.there is two girls and three boys. We have both of the parents who you can meet when you view the puppy's . This will give you idea of what size they will become and also the temperament of the parents.We want five * star homes for these puppy's and we definitely don't want to see them readvertised after a couple of months because people have not done there research into the breed. We must outline that these are not the easiest breed to have. They need lots of exercise with a lot of human interaction. They also get bored very quickly. The good points are they are loyal and extremely clever. I love the way they try and have a conversation with you. The Siberian husky’s are one of my favourite breeds and our family would not be the same without them. Please think carefully before giving us a call and commiting yourself to one of our puppy's.They will go to their new homes with their first vaccination and will be microchipped.A vaccination card will be given for proof of vaccination and the puppy's microchip number will be on the card as ( or whatsapp me on +1 (832) 356-3887

adorable Siberian huskys

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