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Post# A121074

Stroke Treatment hospital ,Stroke surgery mumbai India, (kampala)

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Worsening headaches are a common symptom, affecting about 50 percent of people with brain tumors. A tumor in the brain can put pressure on sensitive nerves and blood vessels. This may result in new headaches, or a change in your old pattern of headaches, such as the following: You have persistent pain, but it’s not like a migraine. It hurts more when you first get up in the morning. It’s accompanied by vomiting or new neurological symptoms. It gets worse when you exercise, cough, or change position. over-the-counter pain medicines don’t help at all. Even if you’re getting more headaches than you used to, or they’re worse than they used to be, it doesn’t mean you have a brain tumor. People get headaches for a variety of reasons, from a skipped meal or lack of sleep to concussion or stroke. So pls send your query on

Stroke Treatment hospital ,Stroke surgery  mumbai India,

Stroke Treatment hospital ,Stroke surgery  mumbai India,

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