Remote work from anywhere in the world. $10,000 a month. - Free Advertising

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Post# A174016

Remote work from anywhere in the world. $10,000 a month. (New York City, New York, USA)

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There are 10 vacancies. Remote work in your spare time. Requirements: Must have internet access via computer or phone. Men/women and couples 16-60 years old. Experience is not required, everything is teachable. Knowledge of the language is not necessary. Conditions: Stable salary once a week. Bonus to the best employees. You can work from anywhere in the world. Salary: 25$/hour. Rework 30 dollars/hour. A month 5000-10000 dollars. Always glad to see responsible, hardworking, motivated people in our friendly team. Applications are accepted strictly by e-mail:

Remote work from anywhere in the world. $10,000 a month.

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