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Jinja Nile Resort Uganda (Jinja, Jinja)

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Jinja Nile Resort Uganda

Jinja is the source of the Nile, Africa’s longest river and the symbol of life for all the countries it travels through before reaching Egypt.

Jinja Nile Resort rests on the banks of this magnificent River and offers magnificent views of the Nile and the rich fauna that it attracts.

Jinja Nile Resort offers services for both the business traveler and holiday maker. Activities available from the resort include white water rafting and bungy jumping . The cottages and hotel services are spread over 30 acres of gardens allowing one to appreciate the beauty of the Uganda…the pearl of Africa

Jinja Nile resort was voted best weekend getaway and best country hotel in Uganda by Travel News magazine in the year 2005,2006,2007 and 2008.

Address: P.O. Box 1553, Jinja Uganda.


Jinja Nile Resort Uganda

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